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Tag: etf

My First ETF Purchase

My First ETF Purchase

My last article I wrote about index funds and ETFs. These vehicles make it easier to invest in a broader scope than purchasing individual stocks. I’ve been a long time individual stock investment type of person and I’ll still continue that. After doing some initial research into ETFs and index funds, I decided that I will start investing with my first ETF purchase. An ETF is like an index fund except that it’s traded throughout the day like an individual…

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Index Fund and ETF

Index Fund and ETF

There’s a lot of information folks are talking about and encouraging to invest in index funds and ETFs. These are considered as pooled investment vehicles. In other words, these are investment vehicles where you can invest in multiple equities simultaneously instead of having to invest in each individual equity. As an example, if you wanted to invest in the S&P 500, which is the largest 500 companies on the US stock exchange, you could buy shares for each of the…

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