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Tag: electric vehicle

EV financial incentives

EV financial incentives

In 2022, I purchased a plug-in hybrid and wrote about it here. I knew there were incentives like federal tax credits and possibly state incentives. I purchased a vehicle that was eligible for the $7,500 federal tax credit and I will be sure to write about that when I file my 2022 taxes in 2023. As I did some more research, I found additional EV financial incentives that I wanted to share. I decided to get a Level-2 charger installed…

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Why I bought a plug-in hybrid

Why I bought a plug-in hybrid

Electric vehicles (EV) have been around quite some time now but not everyone has adopted the concept of battery cars. EV cars come at a premium compared to non-EV cars. Some folks, including myself, didn’t think it was worth the investment. Everyone knows that gas prices are skyrocketing recently and the number of EV customers are increasing. I am one of them. Here’s why I bought a plug-in hybrid car. I waited for the right moment. I have two old…

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