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Tag: impulse buying

Dare to window shop?

Dare to window shop?

My kids are on summer break and my daughter keeps asking what can we do. Can we go bowling? Can we go to the mall? Can we do something productive? Then she made a comment about opening up the Amazon app and just cruise around. I told her that’s not a good idea. That’s exactly window shopping but virtual. You’re just looking for things to pass time which can entice you to spend money. Dare to window shop? Window shopping…

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Impulse Buying And Spending…Fight It!

Impulse Buying And Spending…Fight It!

Impulse buying, that immediate gratification, satisfaction, on cloud nine feeling you get when you purchase something unexpectedly due to temptations or without much consideration. You can experience this in the grocery store, a gas station, clothing store, a car dealership, warehouse stores, on vacation…essentially anywhere. Wherever there’s something to sell, there’s someone who will fall to impulse buying. Don’t get me wrong, impulse buying is not always bad and very appropriate at times. I’m talking about those purchases you regret…

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