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Tag: investments

Don’t mix personal feelings with your finance decisions

Don’t mix personal feelings with your finance decisions

I know smoking is unhealthy so I don’t smoke. I do know that there is a smoking market globally and many people do smoke. So, I invest in Phillip Morris and Altria, companies that have been around for a long time with a history of high dividends. Historically, the companies have been impacted by regulations and lawsuits, and their stock prices have fluctuated. However, their dividend yield is very strong and that is one reason why I have positions with…

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You Might Be Wondering…

You Might Be Wondering…

You might be wondering…why on earth would I create a blog about early retirement during the COVID-19 pandemic, during a time of financial distress and economic unknown? I asked myself the same question. Would anyone take me seriously? How could I blog about early retirement when people are financially struggling and the real unemployment rate pasts 20%? Here’s what happened. I’ve been fortunate to stay employed and work from home. My daily commute went from 3 hours to 15 seconds….

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