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Tag: health

Health equals wealth

Health equals wealth

Everyone wants to be healthy. Everyone wants to get healthy. It’s a never ending battle. More and more of us are getting major illnesses early in our lives. The medical industry is a huge industry and so much money gets poured into it. The more unhealthy you are the more likely you’re paying more on healthcare. Doctor visits, hospital visits, prescriptions, tests, therapy, and specialist visits add up and it’s coming out of your pocket. One way to avoid this…

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Get cash for your healthy actions

Get cash for your healthy actions

Do you want to get rewarded with cash for your healthy actions? If you monitor your healthy actions like exercise, walking, and steps, how great would it be to get rewarded. I found an app that does just that. All you need is monitor your actions either by a supported smart device and/or app. The more you move the more points you receive. The faster you accrue points that faster you can redeem for cash. Get cash for your healthy…

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Lunch…To Buy Or Not

Lunch…To Buy Or Not

Lunch is the time you get to take a break from work, go out with co-workers, and enjoy a meal. It’s a time to mingle, socialize, and be part of the many people waiting in line to get food. It feels good seeing other people in a loud restaurant or food hall. In my 20’s and 30’s I used to go out to lunch all the time. Even if my co-workers didn’t want to go out, I’d still go out…

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