Health equals wealth

Everyone wants to be healthy. Everyone wants to get healthy. It’s a never ending battle. More and more of us are getting major illnesses early in our lives. The medical industry is a huge industry and so much money gets poured into it. The more unhealthy you are the more likely you’re paying more on healthcare. Doctor visits, hospital visits, prescriptions, tests, therapy, and specialist visits add up and it’s coming out of your pocket. One way to avoid this is to stay or become healthy because health equals wealth.
Let’s say you’re already paying for health insurance. Great, you have coverage. That doesn’t mean that everything is covered 100%. Many still have co-pays and other expenses that health insurance doesn’t cover 100%. I had major surgery a number of years ago and although most of my bill was covered, I still had a significant balance to pay. Interestingly, if you ever looked at your itemized bill, you’ll be amazed what’s been billed to your insurance.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You may have heard this saying before. If you’re healthy, you don’t have to go see the doctor. If you don’t see the doctor, you won’t have medical bills to pay. For the past 5 years, I changed my lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle. I started to change my diet and eat more healthier foods, exercising, and getting more sleep. Three years ago, I was able to get off of 5 prescriptions I was taking and I don’t take anymore prescriptions. I see my doctor once a year for an annual check up but that’s about it.
I was seeing many doctors, taking 5 prescriptions, and getting multiple tests and scans. Now, I only see one doctor one time per year. I went from paying hundreds of dollars to paying one co-pay visit. It wasn’t easy making this change but it was financially worth it. Having a healthy lifestyle is good for you and your health and keeps the doctor away. Not only do you get your life and health back, you get to keep your money. If you are interested in following my journey, email subscribe to get alerts of latest posts or follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
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