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Tag: journey

You Might Be Wondering…

You Might Be Wondering…

You might be wondering…why on earth would I create a blog about early retirement during the COVID-19 pandemic, during a time of financial distress and economic unknown? I asked myself the same question. Would anyone take me seriously? How could I blog about early retirement when people are financially struggling and the real unemployment rate pasts 20%? Here’s what happened. I’ve been fortunate to stay employed and work from home. My daily commute went from 3 hours to 15 seconds….

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My First Blog! Welcome!

My First Blog! Welcome!

Welcome to my blog! Lately, I’ve been thinking about early retirement a lot. I don’t know why. Maybe I’ve been watching too many YouTube videos and stories about how folks became financially independent and retired early meaning quitting their 9-5 job. Maybe it’s my desire not to work a 9-5 job anymore. Maybe it’s the 3 hour daily commute. Maybe it’s my desire to spend more time with my family. Maybe it’s all the above. When I hear early retirement,…

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